
Telecom market today is an extremely competitive one with multiple players, varied technologies, comprehensive value chain and more importantly caters to varied set of customers. Over the period of decade or decade and half, the market has grown from few billion users to a service that is measured in per capita.

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During this time, the outlook towards the service delivery has also evolved into a sophisticated combination of services and offers. This gave birth to the need of a comprehensive solution stack that can recognize the need for the same, understand the need and address it successfully.

The Telecom Solution generally comprises of various components like Billing, AAA, PCRF, PCEF, OCS, and OFCS along with the CRM Telecom which front ends the entire stack.

Most CRM Solution in the market today are made by the generic solution providers which are suitable for enterprise B2B markets. B2C markets in various fronts are still dependent on sporadic solution providers even today due to one reason. The flexibility in terms of a B2B market CRM Service is more towards the feature richness and user flexibility while on the other hand, a B2C CRM should focus more towards the flexibility of supported business models. Hence, most generic CRMs do not address the needs of the Telecom Operators.

Some key features that are vital for the functioning of the telecom operator in terms of the CRM are:telecom-features

  • 1. Customer Acquisition
  • 2. Campaign Management
  • 3. Lead / Order Management
  • 4. Partner Management
  • 5. End User Self-Care
  • 6. Customer Service
  • 7. Discounting and Voucher Management

With the right CRM Telecom solution, an operator will have the ability to understand the customer behavior, improve account hit rate and improve the user experience and thereby increasing the bottom line, in a sustainable manner.

One key aspect of such a CRM Telecom is that they should seamlessly integrate and communicate with other solutions in the eco-system.

To find out more about CRM Telecom, click herecontact-us-icons1to conduct a free call.