Vision CRM Pharma Categories are just a way that we can view the entire world of CRM and provide some groupings that make sense to the technology or business world.…Read more →
I often think back to my days in banking, especially when the topic of strategic planning comes up. Every time they felt they needed to become more efficient, they would…Read more →
CRM Categories Categories are just a way that we can view the entire world of CRM and provide some groupings that make sense to the technology or business world. When…Read more →
The world is awash in data. CIBC, a Canadian bank, predicts that information-generation growth will increase 50 times over the next decade. IDC, a market research firm, similarly forecasts a…Read more →
Telemedicine is transforming health care for Americans. But the system still needs work. When it comes to rural health care, broadband is a matter of life or death. Rural residents…Read more →
When we implement new ERP software for our clients, we typically view CRM as one of several important cornerstones of the rollout. However, the fact that CRM systems can often…Read more →
Whether you have been using a CRM solution for years and are looking for something with expanded functionality or you are considering CRM for the first time, you have to…Read more →
What is CRM ? Many of us have heard the term “CRM”, but may still have questions about what exactly it is. Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a tool…Read more →
Marketing Automation software serves a company's marketing department beyond what a CRM system does, and a CRM system serves sales and other departments. When integrated, Marketing Automation and CRM tools…Read more →
Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience-easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across…Read more →