CRM Manufacturing Necessity?
CRM is not just for some sales people. And it’s not just for a big company with money to spend. It’s for everyone in the company who deals with prospects and customers. It’s for managing their experience with you and to keep track of your company’s goals.
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1. Customer Service Excellence
How much time is spent by your staff searching answers to fairly basic questions from your customers? Are they getting bounced from person to person? Give your customer the confidence that you’re organized and they can get answers to their questions quickly and reliably.
The first area that comes to mind for me is post-sale implementation and delivery of a project. As a manufacturer, your CRM Manufacturing system will include the ability to manage this information and keep your whole team in the loop, thereby getting the job done right and keeping the customer happy. You’ll incur fewer delays and penalties, and more follow on sales.
A solid CRM Manufacturing system will also help you keep track of any warranty, repair, or service issues. Perhaps your ERP system keeps track of the material side of these issues, but day to day questions, inquiries, and service calls are an easy thing for a CRM Service to manage and ensure that nothing gets overlooked.
2. Boost Your Sales
When it comes right down to it, everyone wants to sell more. But how will a CRM Manufacturing system help that?
The first way it will help your team is when you engage a customer or prospect on a new opportunity. Gathering the customer requirements all in one place will make sure that everyone involved has a very clear idea of what’s needed and what the difficulties might be. You can then work with the customer to craft a solution. After some time, you’ll have a history of customer requirements that will give you insights into both specific customers, and your entire customer base.
We’ve seen many companies specifically having some challenges when it comes to responding to RFQ’s, the main issue being that the process takes too long as it’s handed off around the office, or, the configuring process, while a set of standard rules, is done manually.
3. Expanding into New Markets
It might be easy to continue to take orders from existing companies, but launching new products, moving into new territories, or targeting different industries requires that your sales efforts are highly managed and effective.
As you undertake these activities a CRM Manufacturing system will help in targeting prospects and managing those communications. It will measure the team against the goals set for them. Being organized and diligent, in combination with some good marketing, will mean the difference between success and failure with your new initiative.
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