CRM Public Sector
Implementing a successful CRM Public Sector relies far more heavily on the incentivizing structure used than CRM in the private sector does. My informal research has determined the fairly obvious: What level of government you’re dealing with goes a long way to determine your incentive: The bigger the government agency or entity, the lower the incentive for anybody in it to embrace change.
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Now, I’m not one of those “federal government employees don’t care about doing a good job” squeakers, mind you. When my wife was applying for U.S. citizenship in the late 1990s, due to an INS snafu her file, with all the medical stuff we’d spent months and hundreds of dollars putting together, was “misplaced.” Nobody at Immigration we contacted could be bothered to care. Start over, we were told.
We called our Congressman. His staff couldn’t have been more responsive or helpful. The problem was quickly identified and her application was not only found and reactivated but fast-tracked. The Congressman’s staff checked in regularly with progress updates until she secured citizenship.
Still, the usual incentives that under gird a successful CRM implementation in private enterprise are either absent or weak in the public sector. And if there’s no incentive for a CRM Service you might as well feed the money you spend on CRM to otters. At least you get some return there — it’s fun watching otters.
Profit? Not a concern of government. Fear of one’s career being damaged by a failed CRM Public Sector Nope. Hope of reward for improved job performance? Raises are scheduled. CEO personally driving the project? President Obama has other things to worry about.
Most 311 systems give residents a ticket number when they initiate a complaint process — “My trash isn’t being picked up, clean the graffiti off my building, there’s a pothole on my street that eats poodles.” The citizen can track progress on the issue with the ticket number, holding the city accountable for action.
Plus it keeps citizens off the 911 emergency line, which many were calling to report non-emergency concerns since, frankly, somebody has to listen to you on 911, and often it was the only city number where somebody would. Freeing up 911 for emergencies is added incentive for city managers to make the system succeed, i.e. work the way citizens want it to.
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